Friday, December 20, 2013

A Christmas Angel visited our home last night and left a gift that will never be forgotten!

Last night our family was the recipient of a very kind, genuine, act of service, that left us feeling, honored and loved, as well as feeling gratitude and humility for the bountiful gifts that were bestowed upon our family that night. But before I fully get into what we received last night and exactly what it meant to us, I wanted, no rather I needed to share this video with you all, for I felt strongly impressed/inspired to do so. It is a very touching video, that puts the True meaning of Christmas in a very simple, yet beautiful way. Here is that video:

Is this not one of the sweetest video's put out there to remind all of us what Christmas should really be about? After watching this sweet video yesterday morning, it got me thinking about where my heart truly falls during this season and I realized that like many others, I tend to fall victim to the commercialization of Christmas and trying to make it prefect and buy/find the prefect presents, etc. However, this video reminded me that, that is not what Christmas is about, rather Christmas is a feeling, Christmas is an action of love, kindness, charity, etc. Christmas is welcoming the Spirit of Christ into your life/heart and celebrating that welcoming. It reminded me of a quote from one of my most favorite Christmas stories, which states:
As I reflected upon these thoughts that this video conjured up inside me, as well as the thoughts that this quote brought into my mind, I remembered something that Joseph and I started shortly after Makenna was born, a tradition that did not last long, but one that should have. That tradition was taking a Christmas stocking, writing the Savior's name on it and then on Christmas Eve, we would each write a letter/birthday card to the Savior, stating what "gift" we wanted to give him, not a gift that could be bought, but a gift from the heart and once we finished our letter, we would place it in the stocking and Christmas morning, we would take out those letters we wrote and we would read them aloud and make a verbal agreement to our family and to our Savior Jesus Christ, that in the coming year we would fulfill that gift. Unfortunately, life got the better of us and things became busy after Payten was born and traditions and the Christmas spirit of some of those traditions, got shuffled to the side, as we tried to juggle everything that we needed to do/accomplish. And these thoughts made me want to bring these traditions back, so that our family would realize just what the Grinch realized, that Christmas doesn't come from a store, but rather it is a little bit more!

Then, last night, we received a knock on our door and when we opened it, we found these two gift bags sitting on our porch,

Filled with beautiful treasures and attached to one of the gift bags was this note,

 Which stated,
Dear Merrill's, We hope you enjoy this "Fancy Christmas Eve" gift. We have put together several things, including a new tradition to help make the night extra special! Of all the people we know, your family inspires us to live and love better and we wanted to give you a little something in return! We wish you a very Merry Christmas and much deserved peace in the coming year! 
At this point, tears were following down my face, for what sat in front of me was a sweet note and gesture that was written and given to our family out of love, not need. Now, here are the treasures that we found in the bags,

As we unwrapped each individual piece, yes, each candle was wrapped separately and the other things were in the bags, just covered with tissue paper, waiting to be found. As we unwrapped and found each piece, we quickly realized that they had given us the setting for a Fancy Christmas Eve dinner, which made me cry even harder and made Makenna squeal with joy, even louder, for in her words, She would feel as though she was a princess when we sat down for Christmas dinner! But it does not end there, we also found these wrapped up in the bags as well,

Zachary and Emmett received a $30 gift card to Khol's and Makenna and Payten, received a $30 gift card to Justice and Joseph and I received a gift card to Outback steakhouse for $25 and then a $10 gift card to Cold stone for dessert. To some, this may seem very little, but to us, it meant the world! Our kids were so excited to get these gift cards, they could not believe that there was someone kind enough to share their Christmas with them. And it reminded Joseph and I, that though we may feel like we only have each other, there are a lot more friends and people out there in the world, who love us than we realize and it truly humbled my heart to receive that much needed reminder that people do care and do love my family and I. The last treasure that we found amongst the bags, was a box with a note attached to it. Now, here is where I truly realized that this family was inspired to choose us to rendered this kind act of theirs. Here is a picture of the box and then a picture of the note:

Here is what the note said,
Dear Merrill's, In keeping with the true meaning of Christmas, we thought you might like to add this special new tradition to your Christmas celebration.
Every Christmas Eve, each member of the family writes down what their personal gift to Jesus Christ will be for that coming year. They then slip it into this special gift box and put it under the tree. On Christmas morning, the first gift to be opened is the gift box full of the family's special gifts for Jesus. As each person reads their gift aloud to the family it truly will help to bring the real reason of why we celebrate this special day into focus.
Our Christmas wish it that as you carry out this tradition year after year, it will help your family become closer to each other and most importantly, closer to your Savior Jesus Christ.
Now, honestly, how ironic is that?! Inspired?! I say so, for only that morning had I received the strong impression that we needed to restart a tradition that we had forgotten/shoved to the side and here comes this sweet, generous, kind and loving family, who gives us everything we need to restart this once implemented tradition and more. To say that my heart was not bursting at the seams, would be an understatement. I truly at that moment, knew that the Lord was there, watching over me and my family, letting us know that he did indeed love us and all he wanted was for us to love him. Humbled and Grateful is how I went to bed. I can not express enough thanks to this family, for reminding my family and I what Christmas is truly about. I pray that soon we will be able to pay it forward and return this sweet gesture to a family that we feel inspired to serve. There is good in this world and last night my family and I witness some of that good and it will be a gift that is never forgotten, this will be a Christmas that we will always remember and cherish in our hearts.
I sincerely pray that we may all take the time in our own lives, to reflect over the year and decipher what we did that was good and where we can make improvements, so that we may in the coming year, be that much better, that much more kinder, that much more charitable, etc. which will then help us to carry in our hearts the Spirit of Christ, which truly is the true spirit of Christmas. Wouldn't it be nice to feel Christmas all year round?! I think it would be! I am so humbled to know that I have so many people who love me and I appreciate all of your love and support towards my family. Thank you, all of you! You inspire me to be better. May we all go forth spreading the love in our hearts and the joy in our laughter. Good night my dear friends and God bless!  

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