Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Laughter and Cleaning are the best medicine when dealing with stress!

Today was a way better day in regards to my emotions. Honestly, I do not know why I have been all over the place with my thoughts and feelings. Most of the time, I believe that I am a pretty level headed person. Usually I can handle or at least I try to handle the challenges life throws at me with, dignity, poise, and strength. But lately it seems I just fall apart at the seams, over every little thing, which is not my normal at all. Now, please don't get me wrong, I believe that crying is a good thing, but I also believe it is not good to do all the time, which is what I have been doing lately. I just feel like I am seeing the more negative side to things rather than the positive and that just is not my typical way of thinking. So, what gives? Why have I been like this lately? The only thing I can think of, that could be the reasoning behind all these emotional upsets, is the fact that Payten is not improving. If it's not one thing, it's another and it is taking a toll on my emotions. We keep trying different things and nothing seems to help. I truly am starting to wonder if this is the beginning of the end and I think subconsciously, I am taking it harder than I expected and therefore, it comes out through my emotions and thoughts. I truly hope that is not the case, but I think someone needs to tell my subconscious that, for it is not getting the memo and therefore is making me act all wacky and crazy like! Luckily I was able to find a little reprieve from all of  these emotional upsets I have been having and had a pretty mellow day, today. Payten still slept the day away and Emmett ran amok, but for whatever reason it did not effect my emotions today, which is a plus.

The only thing that sort of got under my skin, happened to be an event first thing this morning. Today was picture day and for whatever reason, the universe is against me, when it comes to picture day. It does not matter what I do or how prepared I am in regards to laying out clothes, figuring out hairstyles, etc., Picture day HATES me and it drives me insane! Without fail, something goes wrong, always. Either we can't find an outfit  or one of the kids spills something on their outfit, whatever could go wrong, goes wrong on picture day! Typically the bad luck is with Makenna's hair. Not one picture day has come for Makenna, that the pre-planned hairstyle has been a success.  The first two years of Makenna's school pictures, I tired curling her hair the night before with the sponge rollers, Epic failure. Any other day and it works, but picture day, no way, no how! Last year I gave up curling it and braided her hair the night before instead, so it would be wavy when I took it out in the morning and again, Epic fail! So this year I was bound and determined to have a successful picture day in regards to Makenna's hair. I woke up at 5am, got Makenna up at 5:30 and started on her hair, thinking, Oh yah!, I got this, we have plenty of time, if something goes wrong, I have time to fix it! Oh, how wrong I was! The headband braid that I tired (which I happen to do on Makenna's hair all the time.), would not work on her hair this morning. I tried four times and after the fourth time, I realized I had used up all my time and went into panic mode. It was 7:45 and no one and no lunches or breakfast were ready and to top it off, they wanted Zachary at school early! Really? Of all the days they need him there early?! It has to be picture day! The one day during the year that truly has it out for me?! I ran around like a mad woman, trying to find bobby pins and other hair accessories, to try and fix this mess I had created, til finally, I gave up and took  Makenna to the bathroom, straightened her hair and threw a headband in it. By this time I was beyond tired and was just happy with the fact that it was not bed head!!!! After yelling at the kids to grab something for breakfast and pack their lunches,  I threw some clothes on, grabbed Payten and Emmett and ran out the door! They were both only wearing diapers, seriously, you would have thought we had just woken up, when in all reality we had been up for three hours. I got the kids to school with five minutes to spare. Zachary may have been late, but it was a major success in my book considering it was picture day! LOL! With that being said, I have come to realize that prefect, picture day hair is an unobtainable goal in this house, that I need to give up on, for Makenna's hair hates me on this day. Lesson learned! (and it only took four years! Yessss!)

Now, that could have totally upset my entire day, but I did allow it to. Rather when I got home, I played for a short while with Payten and Emmet, until Payten passed out and slept the rest of the day. To which I decided to make constructive use of my time since Payten was sleeping and lose myself in cleaning. I have come to find that cleaning is the best therapy. So when I am beyond stressed or have been beyond stressed, I clean. So today, I grabbed a tooth brush, cleaner, Emmett, some toys and books, and headed to the shower, where I scrubbed it, til there was nothing left to scrub. Seriously, this by far, is the best release for anger and frustration, that I have found. I love it and so does my family, cause they get a super clean house. So instead of allowing my day to go a rye,  I chose to go to the other extreme and became a Psycho house cleaner, taking my anger and frustration out on the grout! Poor grout, I don't know what you did to deserve such anger placed on you, but thank you for letting me abuse you, for I feel so much better! I love cleaning, it makes my heart happy and it helps me to release some much needed stress.

Not only does cleaning help me get out of my emotional funk at times, but my son, Zachary helps as well. He is my Napoleon Dynamite loving, Monty Python quoting, random kid, who makes me laugh daily. He is the most random, yet funny person I know. He is constantly making everyone around him laugh. Today was no exception. After scouts, we went over to Zachary's Aunt and Uncle's house, to pick up Military Attire, because tomorrow is Wacky Wednesday and the theme is Military. After we picked the outfit up and got home, Zachary went to his room, to finish his homework, so I thought! A few moments later, he comes out wearing this,

and says, "Check me out, MOM! I am an Italian, military, fireman! But you can call me the, Italian Stallion!" Then he proceeds to talk in his version of an Italian accent, while doing the above poses. Seriously, I could not stop laughing. Where he comes up with this stuff, I have no clue, but he is hilarious! And no, he will not be going to school as the "Italian Stallion" like he wanted to, rather he will be going dressed like this,

It may not be a funny look, but it sure is a handsome look! This kid has the entire package, Good looks, great personality, funny, smart and the kindest heart you could ever imagine. I seriously can not get enough of this kid and his antics!
Though today ended up being, Picture Day- 4, Mom - 0!, it still turned out to be a great day. No, Payten is not better, but hey I have to keep pressing forward, with a smile on my face and the hope that miracles can still happen! Thank you for all your love and support! I know that plays a huge roll in how I feel and I greatly appreciate all of you. May you all sleep well this night. Much love from our family to yours, God bless.

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