Monday, September 16, 2013

Payten's new medicine seems to be working!

This Monday was the smoothest Monday I have had in a long time. Usually on Monday mornings, the house is a wreck, because I take a day off from cleaning it on Sundays, but this morning it was nice and clean, which I kind of did not know what to do with myself! It was very nice indeed, to have a break from all the havoc. However, I did struggle awaking up, I think all the rest and relaxation I got over the weekend, still had not left my body, therefore I could not seem to get the energy that I needed this morning to get going. Usually, Mondays are crazy busy, for I have therapies back to back, Feeding therapy and Physical Therapy, but today, Physical Therapy canceled, so after feeding therapy was done, I had a lot of time on my hands, especially since all the cleaning was finished! So, shortly after feeding therapy, Payten and Emmett took a naps, which left me with a quite a bit of free time on my hands. That is rarity around here, so I took advantage and got some much needed phone calls made, as well as bills paid! I know it really was not fun stuff I did, but still it was very good use of my time and it made me happy to be so productive!

 I also got some really good news, Payten's DDD service coordinator, Sue Curtis, called and informed me that she sent all of Payten's information over to Guthrie Mainstream, for Respite, Rehabilitation and Attendant Care services, which means that my Niece and Mother in Law, who are going to provide those services for Payten, can get going on their training, which means that we are on step closer to me receiving more help! Can I get a whoot, whoot! (I know I am a nerd!) I am so extremely happy, for I really do need the help desperately! I truly felt blessed to have such a nice, easy going day, filled with good news and productivity!

Also, to add to the goodness, I am thankful to say,  Payten did not get a black eye from falling off Grandpa's lap last night, rather all she got was a little mark under her eye and a mark next to her nose,

 it really could have been a lot worse, so here's to another blessing in Payten not getting a black eye! Yay!

As for Payten's new medication, Onfi (for seizures), it seems to be going really good. It did not seem to have the same effects as the Keppra had on her. Every time I would give Payten her Keppra medicine, she would either go straight to sleep, because it was too much on her system, or she would be so drugged, she could not function. But, when I gave her the Onfi, she did not get sleepy and she was still able to function and play, which was a nice change. She stayed awake and engaged for several hours after the morning medications were given, which has not been the case for a long time now. It made me very happy to see her doing so well. During Feeding Therapy, Payten did great, no she did not do any tasting, but for the most part, she was happy and engaged during the session. There were a few times, we questioned seizure activity, but we could not fully tell, for it did not make her sleep afterwards, so if it was a seizure, it did not have that postictle  side effect, which is a plus.

All in all the medication seems to be doing what we want it to do. The only down fall is that this afternoon, Payten went into a crying fit that lasted an hour or so. Nothing I did seemed to help, I just had to leave her in her crib, with cushions and things to keep her head and other body parts safe and just let her cry it out. It truly broke my heart to see her so upset, but honestly, when I tried to help, it made it worse, so I had to quietly observe and let her get through it on her own, which is one of the hardest things a Mom can do. Now, the question remains, was that crying fit caused from the Onfi or was it a fluke? I guess we will just have to continue on with the medicine and see if it continues to get better. For the most part though, the Onfi, seems to be doing great, I think we might have found our answer, but again time will tell, which frustrates me to no end, for I want to know now, if it is going to be the solution. But this is a great lesson in patience for me, so I will try and happily wait.

Tonight was a fun night, we typically stay home on weeknights, because Joseph has to get up so early. Therefore we spend our evenings getting ready for bed, so he can be in bed by 7:30/8:30. Usually he is in bed by 8! But tonight we went out in search of a costume for Zachary. Tomorrow his class is having Constitution Day and his teacher asked if they would dress up, so according to Zach that means it is mandatory. Which I understand, because I too was a kid who liked to participate in everything, however, it is very frustrating because of the short notice. Thankfully, our search was successful and we put together a pretty ROCKIN' Colonial Costume. We first went to the Spirit Halloween Store, but had no luck. It was fun though, Payten loved the scary statues and stuff. Emmett, not so much! LOL After searching there, we called Joseph's sister and found she had a wig, so drove over to her house and picked it up. Once we got the wig, I took Joseph and the others home, except for Zachary, so he could get in bed. Then,  Zachary and I met up with my sister, Laura, at Goodwill, where we found his costume. It took some time and creative thinking, but we came up with something pretty cool and that is all that matters! It may not be the best Colonial Costume in the world, but by golly we tried! Here's what we came up with,

The paper sign says, We the People of the United States of America. Seriously, I am very proud of what we created. Zachary and I had a blast coming up with it. Also, while we were there, Zachary talked me into buying him some suspenders, he told me he has always dreamed of owning a pair of suspenders! When we got home, here is the look he came up with,

Seriously, this kid kills me! He has one of the best personalities, which makes life as his Mom, so much fun! While I took this picture, he says to me, "Whoever invented suspenders, is pure genius, these things are the revolutionary belt!" LOL,  Like I said,  he is so funny. It is never a dull moment when he is around. He truly makes this Mommas heart happy.

Truly, I am so grateful that today was such an awesome day, with many successes for Payten. I really hope this a glimpse of how my week is going to be, tomorrow, especially, for I have a few Doctors appointments that are back to back. So I pray it goes smoothly, for I do not need another repeat of last Wednesday! Seriously, that was horrible! So, I really do hope that Emmett and Payten behave themselves. Until my next post, take care friends, and I hope you all have a blessed night.

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