Monday, June 14, 2010

Payten's New Type of Seizure!

Today has been a somewhat hard day. Payten worried me all day because before I left to go and run errands while the Nurse stayed with Payten, P. starting Wretching really bad, to the point of choking. And it broke my heart to see her do this, I know that when she does this, it causes her discomfort and pain and I so badly want to take it away and make it better for her, but I can't. It truly is one of the hardest things I have to deal with. I worried about her the whole time I was gone. It broke my heart to be away from her, I always feel so horrible when I leave her. I know she is in good hands, but I still can not help feeling bad that I am leaving my daughter to go and do other things, it truly breaks my heart. I love her so much. I want to be with her every minute of everyday that I possibly can! I know her days are numbered and so therefore they are extremely precious to me. Once I got home from running errands, she seemed to be doing somewhat better, she wasn't wretching anymore which was a plus and a weight lifted off my shoulders, but she still seemed not well to me, she was extremely tired/out of it and looked kind of pale, so when the nurse left, I hooked up Payten's feed and sat with her, singing and rocking her, trying to get her to sleep. After a little while, she finally started to drift off to sleep. Then all of a sudden, right after I laid her down, she started twitching on the right side and the right side of her face totally went droopy and paralyzed. It scared me, I thought that she had experienced a stroke of some kind. I called the Neurologist shortly after it happened and he informed that everything was okay, that she had just experienced a type of seizure that paralyzes the face for a short time and that she would be back to normal in the next 24 to 48 hours. But he was concerned because it seems her seizures are getting worse and he does not understand why. I hope that this does not keep happening and that her seizures do not keep progressively getting worse, because I do not want her to have to experience this pain that she is being faced with. I just pray that the medication will work and stop the seizures. She on top of everything else is still sick with a respiratory infection of some kind, I think this along with everything else, might be causing her discomfort and pain, so I pray that she gets better soon and will be able to sleep! My heart truly grieves for my child I can not express the pain and heartache I feel; I want so badly to be able to take this all away and have her not be sick all the time and I can't! This is the hardest test I will ever have to face in this life. Please we need your prayers now more than ever! Thank you, God bless and Goodnight!

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